Not so long ago, in the lines of popular bookmakers, it became possible to bet on corner kicks. It is not difficult to predict the number of corner kicks, but beginners will still have to work hard. Let’s take a closer look at this.
To understand the strategy, you first need to understand what a corner kick is. It is a shot from the corner, as a result of which the game resumes, and the goal scored from a corner into the opponents’ goal is counted against the rules. The more corners, the more interesting the game becomes.
The number of corners awarded by the referee depends on the class of the teams, the professionalism of the defenders and goalkeepers, the skill of the midfielders and even the weather.
Corner Betting Strategy Tactics
Bet on the total in the second half
Often, with a standard total of 10.5, the bet odds are 2.00. This data is up-to-date before the start of the match. Some bookmakers offer to bet on a total of 5-6 between the first and second half. At the same time, the office does not take into account the style of play and weather conditions. For example, if there were 10 corners after the 1st half, then if the rhythm remains the same, there will be the same number in the 2nd half. Such a bet will be profitable for the bettor. But before making a bet, the following conditions must be met:
- the total after the 1st half is not less than 9;
- the strength of the teams is approximately equal;
- the number of players on the court in both teams is the same;
- no rain;
- The lawn is in standard condition.
Favorite Winner
Such a bet is good if the team is active and eager to win. If the players race around the field only for the sake of keeping the score, then it is better to refuse such a bet.
Favorite loser
There are situations when a weak team rushes into battle from the first half, scores a goal, and keeps an excellent defense. In this scenario, the favorite will try to put pressure on the outsider, which increases the number of corners. Then it is better to bet on the total higher if the odds provide such an opportunity.
Types of Corner Kick Bets
A distinction is made between the following types of bets on corners:
- Total Odd/Even;
- double outcome;
- the number of corners taking into account the handicap;
- victory of one of the teams in the number of serves from the corner;
- Total number of corners in the match.
There are even more types of corner bets. But before making a choice, you need to analyze everything in detail, try it out on a demo account, and only then start working out in real betting.