Types of bets: Back bet

A “Back” bet is a type of ordinary bet, in which the player bets on the event that he thinks may happen. What does this mean? The bet is not on the outcome, but on the event, that is, the system is slightly different from the standard one.

This type of bet is an analogue of a regular bookmaker’s bet, but there is a difference. It lies in the principle of the bookmaker’s exchange, that is, the player bets not against the bookmaker himself, but against the player. The purpose of the bet is the event, not its outcome, which is quite an interesting option that opens up many opportunities for players.

At the time of betting, the user has the opportunity to specify the desired odds independently. With the standard option, the bookmaker sets the odds, which are fixed. That is, such a system is not the most profitable for the player, he is limited by some limits. But when betting on an event, the odds are set by the player himself, that is, the chance of getting a significant win will be much higher. The opposite bet is the lay bet.

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